B'rinah Leader Guide
- Arrive 10 minutes before service begins.
- Offer siddurim (prayer books) and chumashim (Torah commentaries) as people arrive.
- Make sure Kippot and Tallitot are accessible.
- Distribute Honor Cards
- Aliyot (blessing before/after Torah reading)
- Generally we have 3 aliyot per service
- Multiple people can share an aliya
- When giving the honor, ask for Hebrew name, including parents' Hebrew name. You can either write it down then, or ask them again when you call them up.
- If they don't know parents' Hebrew names, you can substitute "Avraham v'Sarah," the universal parents of the Jewish people.
- If they don't know/have a Hebrew name, you can use their English name.
- If they don't know how to have an Aliya, you can offer to call them up and recite the blessings with them or for them.
- Hagbah (Lifting the Torah). Make sure this person is comfortable lifting the Torah before giving honor.
- Gelilah (Dressing the Torah).
- Aliyot (blessing before/after Torah reading)
- During Torah service, distribute mini-Torahs to kids
- Hold main Torah for Hakafah
- Stand at lectern and call up aliyot (English names and Hebrew names; recording below), help them with blessings/choreography
- Call up honors for Hagbah/Gelilah & help them out. After the Torah is dressed, return it to the lectern.
- At the end of the Torah service, return the Torah to the ark for the leader.
- Read Kaddish list and announcements.
P'sukei D'zimra & Shacharit
Download the draft edition of our siddur.
Torah Service