Weekday DaveningPage numbers refer to Siddur Sim Shalom for Weekdays (red volume).
Ma'ariv (Evening) Service
Sh'ma and its B'rachot.
Amida. The Amida is always comprised of the same 3 opening and 3 closing b'rachot–blessings. The middle section varies — on Shabbat it is a b'racha about Shabbat, but on weekdays it contains 13 b'rachot about various aspects of daily life. The Amida is recited privately in the Evening. During the daytime, it is then repeated, out loud, by the leader of the service.
Concluding Prayers
Shachrit (Morning) Service
Birchot HaShachar. These are preliminary blessings.
P'sukei d'Zimra. Literally "verses of song," this collection of psalms and songs orients us to a prayerful mood before beginning the formal service with "Bar'chu."
Sh'ma and its Blessings. Like in the evening, the Sh'ma is surrounded by blessings. The theme of the first two before Sh'ma and the one immediately following are the same: Creation, Revelation/Torah, and Redemption. The wording, however, changes, and fitting the generally longer morning service, each of the prayers is more verbose. Unlike in the evening, there are no more b'rachot after Mi Chamocha before the Amida.
During the daytime, the Amida is recited privately at first. In the presence of a minyan, is then repeated out loud by the leader of the service, with a few additions. The third b'racha changes from the short form to the full "kedushah," and the priestly benediction, "birkat kohanim," is added right before the final b'racha of the Amida.
During the daytime, the Amida is recited privately at first. In the presence of a minyan, is then repeated out loud by the leader of the service, with a few additions. The third b'racha changes from the short form to the full "kedushah," and the priestly benediction, "birkat kohanim," is added right before the final b'racha of the Amida.
Tachanun. A collection of prayers around repentance and forgiveness, but with a more general tone than the High Holidays.
Torah Service (with a Minyan). Only on Mondays and Thursdays.
Concluding Prayers